Corpach Shipwreck

Corpach Shipwreck

Captured on a staycation during Covid 2020, on the banks of Loch Linnhe, near Corpach, is a fishing boat shipwreck.

Corpach Shipwreck

Just outside of Fort William there is a cosy little village called Corpach. Whilst sporting the Caledonia Canal it also has an attraction that was not supposed to be there... 

In 2011 the fishing boat was being transported to become a floating restaurant when a storm hit and the vessel broke free from its mooring line near Corpach. With the aid of the Coast Guard it was guided to the shores of Loch Linnhe and has now become and unofficial tourist attraction. It's full history and story is definitely worth researching ahead of visiting.

Myself and my Wife, like many others, had set off on a staycation during Covid and based ourselves in an Airbnb in Glenfinnan (yes where the Harry Potter bridge is and is featured in another story). This trip was so special to us as it cemented our love of adventuring in Scotland & lead to many more trips.

On this day we were blessed with amazing weather and planned a day with many activities, with this shipwreck bottom of that list. We thought it was something we would do if we had time and thankfully we did. We had not realised how special this site is. 

Firstly, when fishing ships are in water you really don't appreciate how big they are! Seeing one moored up on the beach and being able to walk right up to it gave me a real sense of awe into how large these vessels truly are. What had originally been planned as a 10 minute stop turned into over an hour of walking around the ship and just taking in this unique view, with Ben Nevis as the backdrop.

For those that are visiting the west of the Highlands this unique experience is definitely not to be missed, one of the places that make Scotland such a special place.

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